How to Choose Baby Strollers for Infants and Toddlers

A perfect stroller makes it easy for you to access any place while with your baby. Every parent’s joy is to see their baby happy and excited; hence you have to walk with the baby during your leisure time. Therefore, every young and old parent has to put a stroller on the baby’s registry. However, selecting the best stroller for the child becomes a challenging task, especially for new parents. There are features and qualities you need to look out for when buying a stroller for your infant. The following are vital aspects you need to consider while buying a stroller for your baby:
1. Cost
Strollers are typically expensive, but they range in price depending on the brand. When buying a stroller for your child, consider how much you can dig into your pocket. For high quality and affordable strollers, getting baby strollers from iCandy brand is another option to consider.
2. Weight
Baby strollers for infants and toddlers have different weights. There are heavy strollers and light strollers. Heavy strollers get higher recommendations since they are stronger and durable hence suitable for jogging. They are also ideal for bumpy terrain since they are hardy and have strong wheels.
On the other hand, lighter strollers are liked by some parents for they are easy to move with and are easy to handle in tight spaces, especially public transport.
3. Foldability
Some strollers are collapsible into small sizes, while others can only reduce by removing the wheels. When choosing a baby stroller, you should consider the space of your vehicle. If the car can hold large sized strollers, buy a foldable baby stroller.
Other strollers are attachable to the car seat, making it easy to drive while having it in the car. Travel strollers usually are light and can fold to fit in an airplane overhead bin.
4. Safety standards
When buying a stroller, consider the safety of your child first. Some baby strollers create a loop between the waist strap and shoulder; hence they can easily strangulate the infant. Also, check whether it has any protruding parts that may hurt your baby. Some strollers that are not up to standard pose a risk of choking or trapping the baby’s fingers. Get the safest baby stroller for your baby, as strollers are essential for child development. Parents should get a stroller that has a child-resistant mechanism, that is, a locking and unlocking frame. To be on the safe side, go for a stroller with a five-point safety harness.
5. Possibility of having another infant soon
When buying a stroller, you should consider whether you intend to have another child or else you have closed the chapter. In case you have plans of getting more children, you should get a convertible stroller. Convertible strollers allow you to expand it from a single stroller to double as your family grows. When the older infant is older enough not to need a stroller, it’s converted into a single stroller. The best convertible stroller is the side-by-side double stroller.
You should consider the above factors when equipping your baby arsenal with a baby stroller. Strollers are either three-legged or four-legged. However, no matter the choice you make during selection, ensure that the stroller enhances your baby’s comfort and safety.
About the Author
Monica is a passionate writer and content creator. Her interests include outdoor activities, fitness, technology, entrepreneurship, and everything in between. Say hi to Monica on Twitter @monical_lee.